CPC Tenet 7.2 & 2.6: Laws, Policies, Rules Affecting the Profession and Judiciously Providing Information & Resources

CPC Tenet 7.2 & 2.6: Laws, Policies, Rules Affecting the Profession and Judiciously Providing Information & Resources

Randi Turner & Doug DittfurthOak


The guiding principles behind the Code of Professional Conduct (CPC) “represent concepts of confidentiality, linguistic and professional competence, impartiality, professional growth and development, ethical business practices, and the rights of participants in interpreted situations to informed choice. The driving force behind the guiding principles is the notion that the interpreter will do no harm” (www.rid.org). This session will center focus on two particular tenets:
 Tenet 2.6, Judiciously provide information or referral regarding available interpreting or community resources without infringing upon consumers' rights.
 7.2 Keep abreast of laws, policies, rules, and regulations that affect the profession.
In an effort to start abreast of laws, policies, rules and regulations we will look into those that affect both interpreters and the deaf community. In order to judiciously provide information and referral regarding community resources, staying up laws, rules, regulations, etc., that affect the deaf community are important, as well.

(Link to Workshop Description Video)


Fri 8:30 am - 11:45 am
Contractors, Educational, Ethics, General